Hull and Associates, Inc.: Online File Manager Deployment
Closed     Case # 10022     Affiliated Job:  Hull and Associates, Inc.
Opened:  Friday, August 15, 2008     Closed:  Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Total Hit Count:  24441     Last Hit:  Monday, February 17, 2025 11:29:56 PM
Unique Hit Count:  6684     Last Unique Hit:  Monday, February 17, 2025 11:29:56 PM
Case Type(s):  Development, Database, Server
Case Notes(s):  All cases are posted for review purposes only. Any implementations should be performed at your own risk.

While I worked with ASCI, requests for online file access were brought up, I had already developed a solution - the Online File Manager (OFM) - and it was requested I bring it in house with the deal I could continue to improve and own the code, while ASCI allowed customers to use it. Hull and Associates was one of the clients whom used and also vastly helped me to update the source with numerous improvements making the system what it is today. When I left ASCI, the company struggled and companies left. one of which was Hull and Associates, they had relied on the OFM for their internal and client based needs and requested I deploy the system onsite.

Action(s) Performed:
Total Action(s): 1
Action # Recorded Date Type Hit(s) User Expand Details
10081 2/18/2010 9:40:48 AM Development 3352 Some sample illustrations of the Online File Manager for Hull and Associate  Collapse ...
Last Hit: Monday, February 17, 2025 7:31:26 PM

Some sample illustrations of the Online File Manager for Hull and Associates are shown below.

The system for Hull and Associates is internal to OFM authentication - the A.D. accounts are synchronized out to OFM's internal database for internal users and Kevin (the Tech Lead at Hull and Associates) can also manually create user accounts for clients of non A.D. users requiring access to the OFM. This site registers 400+ users accessing the OFM system.

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