New Trier District 203: Online File Manager Deployment
Ongoing     Case # 10020     Affiliated Job:  New Trier Township District 2031
Opened:  Wednesday, August 15, 2007     Closed:  N/A
Total Hit Count:  74574     Last Hit:  Tuesday, February 18, 2025 1:13:41 AM
Unique Hit Count:  13678     Last Unique Hit:  Tuesday, February 18, 2025 1:13:41 AM
Case Type(s):  Database, Development, Server
Case Notes(s):  All cases are posted for review purposes only. Any implementations should be performed at your own risk.

After starting with New Trier, one of our first efforts was to migrate the file servers away from Novell to Microsoft. This would mean we would lose a functionality of Novell for web based file sharing of the network shares. I suggested a product I had previously developed named "OFM" or "Online File Manager." After demonstrating this product, it was determined that it's use would meet the requirements and I began custom development of my product for the request of New Trier.

OFM was set as a standalone system, with user accounts managed in the affiliated database to the OFM. For New Trier, I revised the code to make use of NTFS permissions; thereby, granting only the access allowed to a resource determined by the OS, not by OFM.

I also developed into the system the ability for Staff & Faculty to "Share" resources out of their home drive to other Staff & Faculty as well as with Students. This ability permitted a folder to be shared to permit a defined number of uploads and the ability to share files out for download for a set period of time.

And finally, I developed into the interface a strict logging mechanism that records absolutely every activity performed throughout the system. This reporting setup was later interfaced with adjustments I made on a A.D. group policy which records every user login/logout on network workstations. Therefore, the logging and reporting goes far beyond that of the OFM.

It is also the main menu of the OFM which is where additions, I have developed while with New Trier, have been added. Since the authentication is tightly integrated to A.D., group memberships read from A.D. already exist and therefore I use this authentication to define the menu listing of options:
-   OFM (Core "Drive Mappings" or "FileStores")
-   Both User & Group Account Management
   o   The bulk is handled by the Logon Scripts for drive mappings and A.D. group memberships; however, there is still administration of the FileStores (which are the drive mappings) and built in groups to the OFM system
-   Device Management (Servers/Network Devices)
   o   This was developed for asset tracking, it also allows us to schedule unattended server reboots
-   Project Management System
-   Port Database
   o   This was built for the Cisco VoIP Switch Over
-   Barcode & ID Management (Pulled from eSchool, eFinance & IVIS)
-   Custom Distribution List Creator
   o   This allows for creation of custom distribution lists on the ListSERV system based on queries out of eSchool (Student Records)
-   OFM Usage Report
-   Workstation Login/Logout Report

Action(s) Performed:
Total Action(s): 6
Action # Recorded Date Type Hit(s) User Expand Details
10073 2/17/2010 4:00:36 PM Development 3752 Some sample illustrations of the Online File Manager are shown below. Thes  More ...
10089 2/17/2010 4:00:35 PM Database 4868 A sample illustration of the Online File Manager Entity Relationship Diagra  More ...
10074 2/17/2010 3:59:56 PM Development 3783 Some sample illustrations of the OFM Reporting & Server/Device Management a  More ...
10075 2/17/2010 3:58:11 PM Development 3691 Some sample illustrations of the Port Database & the Project Management Sys  More ...
10090 2/17/2010 3:58:05 PM Database 3636 A sample illustration of the Project Management System Entity Relationship   More ...
10076 2/17/2010 3:57:18 PM Development 3753 Some sample illustrations of the Custom Distribution List Generator are sho  Collapse ...
Last Hit: Monday, February 17, 2025 10:39:31 PM

Some sample illustrations of the Custom Distribution List Generator are shown below.

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